Even in Ireland and the UK, not a place particularly well known for its sunny weather, we receive many, many times more solar energy than our annual electricity consumption. If we were to make use of all the buildings in the country, we could meet Ireland's total electricity requirements with photovoltaics (PV).
SOLAR PANELS that convert sunlight into electricity may represent the world’s best chance of supplying energy needs into the future. No other technology holds the same potential, a conference in Dublin has heard.
If we made full use of our homes, schools, offices and factories, total global demand could be met with the equivalent of one 10 x 10m array of PV per person.
According to European Photovoltaics Industry Association and Greenpeace, 26% of global energy could be met with PV by 2040. In doing so, this level of usage would bring power to the one billion people around the globe who do not currently have access to electricity and create two million new jobs by 2013.
The new CIS technology solar module supplied by Barrettsolar and fitted by Marr Construction is 12.6% more efficient than crystalline silicone standard solar modules on the market. It features a light soaking effect which is unique to CIS modules which provides higher output than standard modules. They are also black in colour which can blend in with other roofing materials and are more preferable to Architects and clients. The energy payback time can be less than one year compared to 2 and a half years.
They absorb a wide spectrum of light energy and ensure maximum energy generation also under unfavorable weather conditions.“
The "HEMS" as supplied by Barrettsolar is a system which is ideal for the situation in Ireland where we have unfavourable "feed in tariffs" from our Electricity suppliers. Self-generated solar electricity is generally much cheaper than domestic electricity. In most cases the tariff is only 9cent when we have to pay Airtricity or ESB 15cent per Kilowatt hour.
With the home energy management system we use all our power generated by our solar modules in an intelligent manner. The system will store the power generated in Batteries so we can have electricity at night and in cloudy grey skies. It has computer software which will monitor the daily output generated and is user friendly. If the system cannot produce enough power during unfavourable weather , the back up system will kick in and the normal electricity supply will take over. With the HEMS a consumption rate of 70% is possible, i.e. only 30 per cent of the solar electricity you generate is exported to the grid- the remainder can be used in the home.
A standard "HEMS" system of 3 kilowatts supplied and fitted would cost €15,600 plus vat. This includes a solar array of 20 CIS modules with battery storage and the intelligent Home Energy Management system.
Barrettsolar and Marr construction also supply the ARRES "Solar roof tiles"
Ideal for new builds where there is no need for conventional roof tiles or slates.
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